What we believe

North Hills Christian Reformed Church beliefs:

Like all Protestant (that is, non-Roman Catholic) churches, North Hills Christian Reformed Church’s roots go back to the 16th century Protestant Reformation. Whereas German Protestants largely gathered around Martin Luther, and Scottish Protestants around John Knox, the “Reformed” (or “Christian Reformed”) church gathered around the reformer John Calvin.

Although he worked from Geneva, Switzerland, Calvin had significant impact on the Protestants of The Netherlands.  Three unifying documents (or “confessions”) organized the Christian Reformed Church at that time and remain foundational to the life and belief of the denomination today:  The Heidelberg Catechism, The Canons of Dordt and the Belgic Confession.

The Christian Reformed denomination is approximately 200,000 members strong and has its headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Its denominational university and seminary is Calvin University and Seminary, also located in Grand Rapids. Unique to the Christian Reformed Church is its belief in the centrality of the Word of God, the Bible, and in the sovereignty of God.  A famous leader of the denomination once championed:  There is not a single square inch in the entire universe over which God does not say “mine!”  Thus, Christian Reformed church members can be found in every occupation and calling of life, witnessing to the integration of faith and life.  Devotion to God is not limited to Sunday mornings; rather, “all of life is worship.” In fact, when you visit us at North Hills Church, notice that there are no sanctuary doors or interior windows — an architectural reflection of the church’s belief that there is no separation between worship and life

North Hills is a part of the Christian Reformed Church of North America